Thursday, December 13, 2007

Love from la la land :)

This blog is especially for Holly. My blogging is just as bad a my journal keeping and if it wasn't for Holly's constant reminders that I’m way overdue a blog, I wouldn't even write in my journal as much. (I feel guilty about blogging if I haven't written in my journal in a while. So what can I tell you? I'm kinda tired. You know that feeling you have just after you wake up but you do things because you're still on cruise control? Well that's me right now. Holly sent me a book called Twilight. If you haven't read it yet you REALLY need to make a plan. I must warn you the following side effects are caused by this book:
  • sleep deprivationa
  • yearning for some guy to notice you and fall madly deeply in love with you
  • Extensive daydreaming for those with rich imaginations
  • jealousy of anyone who has read any of the sequel books
  • Losing yourself in la la land. I was lost in la la land for two days. if you do not believe me ask Holly yourself

Anyway I guess the main reason I get lost in la la land (I got that term from Holz and it kinda grew on me) is so I can escape the thoughts of my life that sometimes scare the living daylights out of me. I have so much to be thankful for so I should be happy and if that means reading books that help me get lost in la la land for a day or two, then so be it.

Now I’m not vain. Well I do joke about it but I guess people all do that from time to time. My point is I generally don't think much about the way I look but I noticed the last few days that I actually do have a pleasant look about me. I don't have a very photogenic face but i walked past the window in my office (they're tinted so they look like a mirror in the mornings and afternoons) and noticed that I have a really pretty face. Maybe it's just cause it was my day dreamy, lovey dovey face, you know the look: soft eyes, softened facial lines, and know I know why guys think I’m cute when I’m have asleep. And just so you don't get the wrong idea only a few guys have seen me half asleep, when I’m at my cutest and that was on camps and convention this year. You wouldn't have caught me half asleep in public before then and hopefully never again. Anyway my point is my husband really has a good looking wife to look at one day.

Well the work day is about to begin again at least I don’t have to work on Monday. Wohoo!

Lots of love from la la land
